In August 2020, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), published an interim ruling that determines that a product that exceeds the 0.3% THC level during any stage of the manufacturing process is considered to be a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance, and subject to DEA enforcement action, even if the final sale product is compliant.
The go-to playbook in the CBD in the industry has been to extract cannabinoids utilizing popular technologies such as cryogenic ethanol and supercritical CO2, which initially extract and concentrate cannabinoids (THC included) at high levels, and then undergo a remediation step, usually utilizing high performance liquid chromatography, to reduce THC levels and arrive at a fully compliant final product ready for sale.
The recent ruling would make this standard playbook non-compliant. As a result, the entire CBD industry has been shaken to its core, as processors and manufacturers have grown increasingly concerned of incurring federal liabilities.
Herbolea, thanks to its patented, solvent-less extraction and concentration technologies, is able to obtain CBD and other minor cannabinoids to over 90% potency and at high efficiency, without ever crossing the 0.3% threshold for THC at any manufacturing stage.
This is not only achieved in a scalable and operationally efficient way, but with the added value of not utilizing chromatography equipment nor solvents at any step, resulting in a highly cost-competitive and clean extraction.
If you’d like to understand more about how our extraction and concentration technologies work, and how we can help you achieve a highly efficient and cost competitive extraction operation, drop us a line at
Herbolea Biotech is an Italian extraction technology company focused on transforming botanicals into superior quality products through proprietary, highly efficient, and environmentally friendly technologies. Visit